196XX 60th Ave NE - SOLD
Arlington, WA 98223
Price: $780,000 Square Ft:
Bedrooms: Bathrooms:
Built: MLS#: CBA.564665
Pape' Yard (2.5 Acres) - SOLD
This 2.5 acres is fenced and graveled yard suitable for heavy industrial in the City of Arlington. Formerly equipment storage yard for Pape' Material Handling with security fencing, gated access and lease-able shop and office space from separate owner located right next door. Suitable for sales and rental of goods and services and equipment, outdoor storage, construction yard, build-able facilities for all industrial uses, manufacturing, processing, creating, repairing, renovating, painting, cleaning, assembling of goods, equipment, recreation, amusement or entertainment, vehicle storage, towing operations, salvage yard, soil processing, solid waste transfer, recycling and much more.
DAVE NELSON REAL ESTATE - 6124 State Route 530 NE Arlington WA 98223